Town Mama's Apothecary


Reflections on the world, from my perspective as a thinking mother and business owner who aims to be better than I used I to be.

Self Care 101

We tend to rush through our day without stopping to be still. Of course we all know when we rest and rejuvenate we thrive. Often the challenge is how to integrate these slow down practices in a way that becomes routine. Town Mama’s Apothecary is committed to bringing down time to your productive lifestyle. It is this holistic approach that provides the best chance at sustainable growth.

Getting into the practice of self love and care is important to you and those who depend on you. Create places where you are at ease. Build moments into your day where joy is supreme. When we are intentional about the feeling good part of life we can recognize how to attract more opportunities to feel good. When we strengthen our emotional wellbeing we are better equipped to manage the harder details we face.

So go on and give yourself permission to take care with the same discipline you approach any important long term goal. Your future self will thank you.